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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i totally suck at blogging

I really said I was going to be better about this. Things have just be SO hectic!

I guess the biggest news around right now is that we now have an Etsy shop!

A lot of skull bunnies have been sold on Etsy already! There are a few brooches on there that I've made, with two eyeball necklaces to be added soon, so watch out for them. Here are two small pics of them:

I've been making so many trips to the post office lately, and I'm getting more familiar with filling out customs forms. I also know now that if you send something Priority Mail to Canada, it costs $16.00! Crazy, considering I was able to send something First Class to Germany for only $7. The postal service is so confusing sometimes! Is there a better way to send international stuff??

Since the last time I wrote was before Halloween, I guess I should at least post some photos of our costumes. So, here they are!

Jack was candy corn, if you can't tell. I just went as your generic witch, and daddy was a skeleton-man. We had lots of fun! (even if we didn't get much candy!)

Geez, I just realized how bad I am for writing about Halloween in January!

In other news, Spooky Daddy has pieces that will be appearing a show called Plushed! at Purdue University.


PLUSHED::art gone soft::
Plush Art Exhibition
Purdue University (West Gallery), West Lafayette, IN
Jan 21-Feb 1, 2008

If you live nearby, you should check it out! The Spooky Daddy pieces will also be for sale, and at a very reasonable price for an art show, I might add.

Look for more news soon!

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